How to prevent breast cancer

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According to the latest statistics in the US, about one in eight women in the world have an increased risk of breast cancer and an increased mortality rate compared with other cancers. Studies show that dietary and food factors can help effectively control breast cancer risk and aid in speeding up the recovery process for those battling the disease. .


Soy isoflavones are a group of phytoestrogens, plant-derived compounds with estrogenic activity. Many studies have found that moderate soy consumption is protective against breast cancer.

In addition, genistein, the main isoflavones in soy, has been shown to protect against cancer by interfering with hormone signaling pathways and influencing genes involved in reproduction and death of cancer cells. A new study has found that girls who ate soy during childhood and adolescence have a significantly lower risk of breast cancer in adulthood. Other studies suggest that consumption of soy foods containing genistein during adulthood protects against both premenopausal and postmenopausal breast cancer.


Carrots are high in antioxidant carotenoids like beta-carotene and alpha-carotene, which help protect against breast cancer. In a large study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, women with the highest blood levels of carotenoids had an 18 to 28 percent lower risk of breast cancer. Other carotenoid-rich foods include peppers, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and green vegetables like kale. You can chop carrots and mix with vegetables to make a carrot salad, you can also mash carrots with chickpeas, garlic and olive oil or make carrot soup or soup.


Onions contain many organosulfur compounds, which have been shown to inhibit tumor growth in breast cancer and other cancers. Other foods rich in organosulfur compounds include yellow onions, garlic, leeks, and chives. Onions also contain quercetin and anthocyanin (a water-soluble pigment responsible for the red color). It also protects you against breast cancer. You can saute the shallots, shaved Brussels sprouts and mushrooms in olive oil;, cut the purple onion in half, mix with melted coconut oil, honey and balsamic vinegar and roast until tender; Thinly sliced ​​purple onion, put in a jar and cover with apple cider vinegar to quickly pickle.

Broccoli sprouts

Broccoli, which resembles alfalfa sprouts, has sulforophane, a sulfur-containing compound with anticancer activities. Studies show that sulforaphane can inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells and induce apoptosis of breast cancer cells. They are also rich in fiber, which may protect against breast cancer by altering hormonal activities. Other foods high in sulforaphane include broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, and cauliflower. You can: Blend broccoli sprouts, bananas, pineapple, and coconut milk into a creamy smoothie. Or use them in salads or salads.


Flaxseed contains compounds called lignans, phytoestrogens that can enhance or inhibit the effects of estrogen. In postmenopausal women, lignans may cause the body to produce less active forms of estrogen, potentially reducing the risk of breast cancer. They are also rich in alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fat that has been shown in studies to stop the growth, size, and proliferation of cancer cells and promote cell death. breast cancer cells. Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, oats, barley, beans, and berries also contain lignans. Combine ground flaxseeds with minced rosemary, garlic powder and water, then thinly, cut into squares and bake like a savory biscuit, stir in ground flaxseeds, blueberries and Chop walnuts into your oatmeal for a hearty breakfast, and use ground flaxseed, cocoa powder, espresso and instant yogurt for a healthy mocha smoothie.


Broccoli contains many cancer-preventing compounds, especially glucosinolates, a group of sulfur-containing substances that are responsible for the spicy, bitter taste of cruciferous vegetables. Glucosinolates are broken down by the body into bioactive compounds such as isothiocyanates and indoles, which have been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth and promote cancer cell death. letters. A new study shows that women who eat a lot of cruciferous vegetables, such as arugula, kale, turnips, broccoli and cabbage, have a 17% lower risk of breast cancer.


Green tea is rich in polyphenols, especially epigallocatechin gallate, a powerful compound that has been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth and induce cancer cell apoptosis. Wisata Edukatif untuk Anak-anak di Sekitar Bandung, Bekerja Sekaligus Berwisata di Kota Bandung, Tiga Pilihan Hotel Menarik di Sekitar Jalan Riau, Surga Pantai di Amatoa Resort, Pemandangan Surga di Bira Makassar, Apa yang Harus Dilihat di Bali? Matahari Terbenam, atau Matahari Terbit?, Surga Kecil yang Tersembunyi di Amatoa Resot Bulukumba, Sulawesi Selatan, Yuk, Berlibur sambil Hunting Kuliner Khas Bali, Berlibur dengan Anak-anak? Ini Dia Destinasi Wisata di Nusa Dua Bali!, Menikmati Nuansa Kerajaan Bali di Ayodya Resort Bali, Tempat Rekreasi Edukatif Anak-Anak di Jakarta, Tempat Rekreasi Edukatif Anak-Anak di Jakarta, Mengenal Kuliner Khas Bintan, Wisata Internasional di Lagoi, Pulau Bintan, Kegiatan Menyenangkan di Pulau Bintan, Ingin Berlibur Ke Belitung? Destinasi Wisata dekat Bintan Lagoon Resort ini Patut Kamu Datangi!, Tips Backpaker Ke Bandung, Wisata Kuliner Sekitar Stasiun Bandung, Penginapan Modern, Harga Terjangkau di Fabu Hotel Bandung, Apa Saja yang Harus Dilakukan Saat Berlibur Ke Bali?, Nikmati Wisata Malam Di Bali, Berdinas Sekaligus Berekreasi di Bali, Bermalam di Pulau Dewata, Fave Hotel Bali, Kafe Asyik di Sekitar Kemang, Tempat Hangout Dengan Kopi Terenak di Kemang, Uniknya Wisata Kuliner ala Jakarta, Menghabiskan Akhir Pekan di Lembang, Menghabiskan Akhir Pekan di Lembang, Wisata Menarik Dan Penginapan Asik Di Lembang, Grand Hotel Lembang, Pilihan Tepat Menginap Saat Berlibur di Lembang, Kiat Menghindari Macet Menuju Lembang, Relaksasi di Pantai-pantai Nusa Dua Bali, Menikmati Makanan Lezat Dan Bersantai Di Hotel Dengan Pemandangan Laut Yang Mengagumkan, Perhatikan Hal Berikut Saat Berlibur Ke Bali!, Mengintip Panorama Grand Nikko Bali, Romantisnya Lembang Bandung, Ragam Tahu Di Lembang Yang Lezat, Liburan Keluarga di Grand Paradise, Lembang, Pesona Hanging Gardens Ubud, Apa Yang Bisa dilakukan di Bali, Wisata Alam dan Seni yang Dekat Hanging Gardens Ubud, Restoran favorit di Ubud Nan Eksotik, Hunting Wisata Murah Di Bandung, Bandung Kota Petualangan Belanja dan Kuliner, Hard Rock Hotel Bali, Hotel Wajib Kunjungi Pecinta Rock, Full of fun di Sekeliling Kuta Bali, Nikmati Bali Dengan Gaya Rock & Roll, Libur Telah Tiba, Yogyakarta Jadi Pilihan Istimewa, Nikmatnya Kuliner Nusantara di Yogyakarta, BERBURU FOTO INSTAGRAMABLE DI BANDUNG, LONG WEEKEND? HABISKAN DI JAKARTA SAJA, Menikmati Q-time di Kota Paling Sibuk, Jakarta, Mencoba Cafe Ice Cream di Jakarta Pusat, Mencicip Aneka Kuliner Non Lokal Di Restoran Jakarta, Mencari Jejak Sejarah Di Kota Bandung, Menginap di Hotel Bintang 4 dengan Harga Murah di Yogyakarta, Mau?, Aneka Kuliner Jakarta Barat, Pesona Bangunan Bersejarah di Jakarta, Wisata Menyusuri Kota Tua di Jakarta, 3 Hotel Bintang 3 Termurah di Sekitar Bandara Internasional Soekarno Hatta, Pilihan Hotel untuk Transit di Dekat Bandara, Sudah Cari Penginapan, Mari Kongkow di Tangerang Sampai Kenyang, Menikmati Alam Sekaligus Wisata Kuliner di Sekitar Taman Safari Bogor, Taman Safari Bogor: Wisata Flora dan Fauna Alam Bebas, Bermain di Trans Studio Bandung, Nikmati Keseruan Wahana Bermain di Trans Studio Bandung, 6 Pantai Favorit di Anyer Untuk Liburan Anda dan Keluarga, Pesona Pantai Dan Pulau Eksotik Di Anyer, Menjelajah Pantai – Pantai Terbaik di Anyer, Menikmati Eksotisme Bandar Lampung, WISATA BAHARI ASYIK DI BANDAR LAMPUNG, Tempat Murah Tak Murahan yang Bikin Betah di Bandar Lampung, 5 Destinasi Jakarta yang Menjadi Daya Tarik Para Pendatang, Tempat Wisata Anak di Kota Jakarta, Hotel Elit Berdesain Etnik di Pusat Kota Jakarta

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